Rooms and Sequestered Space

Departments that have their own sequestered space will be able to assign rooms to class sections. Access to the room list will be permission-based, and Schedule Administrators will only be able to assign rooms owned by their department.

How to Create Buildings

  1. Starting at the dashboard on, select "Academic Administration and System Settings".
  2. Select "Buildings and Rooms".
  3. Select "Create a new Building and fill out all required information.
  4. Buildings must also be created in the mainframe and must match the corresponding rooms in SIS.
Academic Administration Selection from the Dashboard
Buildings and Rooms from Academic Administration Page

How to Create Rooms

  1. From the "Buildings and Rooms" page, select the building that the room is in.
  2. Select "Add a new Classroom" and fill out the required fields.

Important to Know

  • Buildings and rooms must be added separately in Course Management, the SIS Mainframe, and the R25 database
    • If building and room codes do not match perfectly between Course Management and the SIS Mainframe, the system will not allow a student to register for a class in that building/room.