Class Fees

Class fees can be added directly to class records. Per guidance established jointly by the Office of the University Controller and the Office of the University Registrar, Class Fees should be visible to students before the start of registration so that students can make informed course selection decisions. Class Fees cannot be added to existing classes after students are able to register. (Once students are enrolled, there are no exceptions to this policy.)


The Class Fees option is grouped among the Meeting Patterns, Instructors, and Class Rules on class records on your Schedule. Search for and add your fee using the dropdown menu (see screenshot below). To create a new Class Fee or update an existing fee, email [email protected] (include the description, amount, and suggested 4-character charge code). 

Class fees were not imported from prior semester into Course Management and will not automatically be copied to Spring or Fall 2020 during cloning. Going forward, applied fees will be included if/when you clone your schedule and can be edited before classes are activated.

Shows the class fee popup widget and the Add a Fee look up option

Class fees will appear in the Directory of Classes within two hours of adding them to Course Management (see screenshot below).

Image of the Directory of Classes and where to view Class Fees

To create a new fee or update the amount of an existing fee, email [email protected]. Include the fee Description, Amount, and 4-character Charge Code.